MGG wins 2021 Emerging Open Scholarship Award
We are pleased to announce that the directors of Mapping the Gay Guides, Dr. Amanda Regan and Dr. Eric Gonzaba, have been awarded the 2021 Emerging Open Scholarship Award by the Canadian Social Knowledge Institute.
The award recognizes open scholarship that incorporates open access, open data, open education, and other related movements that have the potential to make scholarly work more efficient, more accessible, and more usable by those within and beyond the academy. By engaging with open practices for academic work, open scholarship shares that work more broadly and more publicly.Dr. Regan and Gonzaba would like to thank the project’s interns and graduate students who collaborated to build the dataset behind Mapping the Gay Guides. Thanks to Liset Machado, Morgan Glover, Susana Garcia, Christian Castillo, Laura Fauvor, Giulia Oprea, and Sierra Rivera.
Dr. Regan and Dr. Gonzaba are honored by this recognition of Mapping the Gay Guides as an emerging open access and digital public history project.